The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (2024)

Table of Contents
Rooms in Spanish: The Blueprint Rooms in Spanish: Bedroom – El dormitorio Quality adjectives Location adjectives Bedroom Types Rooms in Spanish: Living Room – el salón / la sala de estar Rooms in Spanish: Dining Room – El comedor Los Muebles del Comedor (Dining Room Furniture) Los Artículos del Comedor (Dining Room Items) La Comida (Food) En La Mesa (At the Table) La Sobremesa Rooms in Spanish: Kitchen – La cocina Muebles de la Cocina (Kitchen Furniture) Electrodomésticos (Appliances) Artículos de la Cocina (Kitchen Items) Utensilios para Cocinar (Cooking Utensils) Rooms in Spanish: Verbs for the Kitchen House Vocabulary Words: Bathroom – El cuarto de baño Example Sentences in Spanish Bathroom Activities Example Sentences in Spanish House Vocabulary Words: Hallway – El pasillo Example Sentences in Spanish Hallway Activities Example Sentences in Spanish House Vocabulary Words: Basem*nt – El sótano Example Sentences in Spanish Basem*nt Activities Example Sentences in Spanish House Vocabulary Words: Attic – El ático / el desván Example Sentences in Spanish Attic Activities Example Sentences in Spanish House Vocabulary Words: Pantry – La despensa Kitchen Activities Example Sentences in Spanish House Vocabulary Words: Home office – El despacho Example Sentences in Spanish Home Office Activities Example Sentences in Spanish House Vocabulary Words: Laundry room – El cuarto de lavar / el lavadero Example Sentences in Spanish Laundry Room Activities Example Sentences in Spanish Keep Improving Your Vocabulary in Spanish! Join one of the 40,000 classes that we teach each month and you can experience results like these Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (1)

April 19, 2022 by Nicole Canún Spanish Vocabulary 0 comments

Ready to learn how to talk about houses and rooms in Spanish?

Una casa está hecha con paredes y vigas; Un hogar está construida con amor y sueños.
“A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Knowing how to describe your casa and its rooms in Spanish is a smart way to build your vocabulary base with meaningful words. It might even inspire you to print out our Spanish house labels and stick them up around your house!

Table of Contents:

  • Rooms in Spanish: The Blueprint
  • Bedroom – El dormitorio
  • Living Room – el salón / la sala de estar
  • Dining Room – El comedor
  • Kitchen –La cocina
  • Bathroom –El cuarto de baño
  • Hallway –El pasillo
  • Basem*nt –El sótano
  • Attic –El ático / el desván
  • Pantry –La despensa
  • Home office –El despacho
  • Laundry room –El cuarto de lavar / el lavadero
  • Keep Improving Your Vocabulary in Spanish! (Here’s How)

Rooms in Spanish: The Blueprint

A typical house has these 11 types of rooms:

  • Bedroom – la habitación / el cuarto / el dormitorio
  • Living room – el salón / la sala de estar
  • Dining room – el comedor
  • Kitchen – la cocina
  • Bathroom – el cuarto de baño
  • Hallway – el pasillo
  • Basem*nt – el sótano
  • Attic – el ático / el desván
  • Pantry – la despensa
  • Home office – el despacho
  • Laundry room – el cuarto de lavar / el lavadero
  • Bedroom – la habitación / el cuarto / el dormitorio
  • Living room – el salón / la sala de estar
  • Dining room – el comedor
  • Kitchen – la cocina
  • Bathroom – el cuarto de baño
  • Hallway – el pasillo
  • Basem*nt – el sótano
  • Attic – el ático / el desván
  • Pantry – la despensa
  • Home office – el despacho
  • Laundry room – el cuarto de lavar / el lavadero

Rooms in Spanish: Bedroom – El dormitorio

While you study the rooms in Spanish, it helps to identify the common items you’ll find in each room. In addition to learning tons of new nouns, we’ll look at adjectives to describe your bedroom and example sentences!

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (2)
bedla cama
lightla luz
lampla lámpara
sheetla sábana
comforterel cubrecama
blanketla manta / la frazada
crochet blanketla manta de ganchillo
quiltel edredón
beddingla cobija
curtainla cortina
pillowla almohada
pillowcasela sobrefunda
closetel armario / el ropero / el clóset
drawerel cajón
shelfel estante
shelving / bookshelfla estantería
heaterel calentador
night tablela mesita de noche
mirrorel espejo
light switchel interruptor de la luz
headboardla cabecera
outlet / socketel enchufe
alarm clockla alarma / el despertador
chest of drawers / dresserla cómoda / el gavetero
mattressel colchón
rugla alfombra
bed framela montura de cama
hangerel colgador / el gancho
jewelry boxel joyero

When you mention tu dormitorio to someone, you’ll want to use some of these adjectives to describe the quality, type, or location of your bedroom:

Quality adjectives

  • Airy – aireado
  • Beautiful – hermoso
  • Big – grande
  • Cold – frío
  • Comfortable – cómodo
  • Cozy – acogedor
  • Cramped – apretado
  • Dark – oscuro
  • Decorated – decorado
  • Empty – vacío
  • Furnished – amueblado
  • Huge – énorme
  • Well-lit – bien iluminado
  • Little – pequeño
  • Locked – cerrado
  • Luxurious – lujoso
  • Messy – desordenado
  • Narrow – estrecho
  • New – nuevo
  • Nice – bonito
  • Old – viejo
  • Open – abierto
  • Quiet – tranquilo
  • Royal – de la realeza
  • Shared – compartido
  • Simple – sencillo
  • Spacious – amplio, espacioso
  • Spare – espartano
  • Unused – inutilizado

Me gusta tu cuarto tan espacioso y ordenado.
I like your spacious and organized room.

Dejé este cuarto vacío e inutilizado porque es demasiado oscuro.
I left this room empty and unused because it’s too dark.

Los dormitorios en tu casa son los más acogedores que he visto.
The bedrooms in your house are the coziest I’ve ever seen.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (3)

Location adjectives

  • Adjacent – adyacente
  • Adjoining – contiguo
  • Front – del frente
  • Last – último
  • Middle – del medio
  • Nearest – más cercano
  • Rear – del fondo
  • Upstairs – de arriba

El cuarto del fondo tiene poca ventilación.
The rear bedroom has poor ventilation.

Puedes dormir en el cuarto más cercano al baño.
You can sleep in the room nearest to the bathroom.

El cuarto adyacente es para visitas.
The adjacent bedroom is for guests.

Mi dormitorio es el del medio.
My bedroom is the one in the middle.

Bedroom Types

  • Extra – extra
  • Guest – de huéspedes
  • Loft – el mezanino
  • Main, master – principal
  • Marital – conyugal
  • Only – único
  • Private – privado
  • Single – sencillo

Ustedes se quedarán en la habitación de huéspedes.
You all will stay in the guest bedroom.

Este es el único dormitorio en mi apartamento.
This is the only bedroom in my apartment.

Ella tiene un cuarto extra en su casa.
She has an extra bedroom in her house.

Que buena iluminación natural y amplitud tienes en tu mezanino.
You have such good natural light and openness in your loft.

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Rooms in Spanish: Living Room – el salón / la sala de estar

The living room is one of the most popular parts of a home, garnering most of the foot traffic. If you plan on sharing your amazing Spanish skills with your family, then consider sticking labels on everything in this room!

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (5)
sofa / couchel sofá
loveseatel sofá de dos plazas
armchairel sillón
cushionel cojín
houseplantla planta de interior
fireplacela chimenea
mantelpiecela repisa
ornamentel adorno
wall clockel reloj de pared
table lampla lámpara de mesa
end tablela mesita
artworkla obra de arte
flowerslas flores
vaseel florero
televisionla televisión / el televisor
flat screenla pantalla plana
speakersel altavoz / la bocina
coffee tablela mesa de centro
photographslas fotografías / las fotos
paintingslas pinturas
chest / cofferel baúl / el cofre
footrestel reposapiés
rocking chairla mecedora
reclinerel sillón reclinable
telephoneel teléfono
fanel ventilador

Most living rooms are full of activity. Let’s see some verbs people use to describe what they do in their living rooms in Spanish!

  • Ver/mirar tele – watch tv
  • Ver/mirar películas – watch movies
  • Poner música – put on music
  • Leer libros – read books
  • Jugar cartas – play cards
  • Relajarse / descansar – relax
  • Sentarse – sit down
  • Acostarse – lay down
  • Pasar un rato (con amigos o familia) – hang out (with friends or family)
  • Encender la chimenea – light the chimney

Quiero mirar tele con mis padres cuando regresan del trabajo.
I want to watch tv with my parents when they come back from work.

Siempre ven películas los fines de semana.
They always watch movies on the weekend.

Prefieres leer libros en tu sala de estar en vez de tu cuarto.
You prefer to read books in your living room over your bedroom.

Mientras jugamos cartas en el salón, nos gusta poner música.
While we play card games in the living room, we like to put on music.

Estoy relajándome en mi sillón reclinable.
I’m relaxing in my reclinable chair.

El sofá es tan grande que Julio puede acostarse sobre él.
The couch is so big that Julio can lay down on it.

Pasemos un rato en la sala de estar.
Let’s hang out in the living room.

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Rooms in Spanish: Dining Room – El comedor

The dining room is a central part of the home where your family comes together to share meals. While you’re in this room, you can start labeling its furniture and common items, as well as basic foods. Then it’s your turn to use the Spanish phrases below to ask for something or ask others if they need something. Let’s get to it!

Los Muebles del Comedor (Dining Room Furniture)

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tablela mesa
chairslas sillas
back of the chairel respaldo de la silla
centerpieceel centro de mesa
china cabinetel chinero
high chairla silla alta / la periquera
tableclothel mantel
cupboardla alacena
sideboardel aparador

Los Artículos del Comedor (Dining Room Items)

coffee potla cafetera
milk pitcherla jarrita para la leche
basketla cesta
bottlela botella
cheese boardla tabla de quesos
crockeryla loza
dining setla vajilla
chinawarela vajilla de porcelana / la porcelana
glasswarela cristalería
mugla taza
cutlerylos cubiertos
spoonla cuchara
forkel tenedor
knifeel cuchillo
glassla copa
cupel vaso
floral arrangementel arreglo floral
napkinla servilleta
napkin ringel aro para servilleta
pepper shakerel pimentero
salt shakerel salero
pitcherla jarra
placematslos manteles
plateel plato
salad bowlla ensaladera
sugar bowlla azucarera / el azucarero
teapotla tetera
tea setel juego de té
toothpickslos palillos

La Comida (Food)

drinkla bebida
mealla comida
breakfastel desayuno
lunchel almuerzo
dinnerla cena
breadel pan
dressingel aderezo
juiceel jugo
mineral waterel agua mineral
pepperla pimienta
saltla sal
sugarel azúcar

En La Mesa (At the Table)

While you’re enjoying your meal at the table, you can use plenty of handy verbs to describe what you’re doing, what you want, or what you plan to do. The most relevant phrases are:

Poner la mesa – to set the table

Antes de comer, ponemos la mesa.
Before we eat, we set the table.

Bendecir la mesa / dar gracias – to say grace

Abuela, ¿usted quiere bendecir la mesa?
Grandma, do you want to say grace?

Disculpar de la mesa / retirarse de la mesa – to excuse (oneself) from the table

Me disculpan de la mesa, por favor.
Please excuse me from the table.

Mi hijo, te puedes retirar de la mesa.
Son, you can excuse yourself from the table.

Limpiar la mesa / quitar la mesa – clear the table

Cuando terminamos de comer, limpiamos la mesa.
When we finish eating, we clear the table.

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If you’re ready to deep dive into more vocabulary, take a look at the list of verbs of actions we perform while at the table!

  • aderezar – to dress, to season
  • beber / tomar – to drink
  • brindar – to toast
  • comer – to eat
  • limpiarse – to clean oneself
  • llenarse – to get full
  • masticar – to chew
  • morder – to bite / una mordida – a bite
  • oler – to smell
  • pasar – to pass
  • probar – to try, to taste
  • repetir – to have second helpings
  • sentarse – to sit
  • servir – to serve
  • servirse – to serve oneself
  • sorber – to sip
  • terminar – to finish
  • tragar – to swallow
  • untar – to spread

¿Vas a repetir?
Will you have second helpings?

Vengan a sentarse para comer.
Come sit down to eat.

¿Me podrías pasar la sal?
Could you pass me the salt?

Pasame el aderezo.
Pass me the dressing.

Prueba una mordida del queso.
Taste a bite of the cheese.

¡Cada quien se sirve!
Help yourselves! (Serve yourselves!)

¿Dónde está el cuchillo para untar la mantequilla?
Where’s the knife for spreading the butter?

¡Ya me llené!
I’m full now!

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La Sobremesa

La sobremesa is a Spanish tradition that has no equivalent in the English language or Anglophonic cultures. It’s the time right after a meal (lunch or dinner) when everyone sits together relaxing and having a conversation. It usually lasts from 30 to 60 minutes but during the holidays it’s known to last a little longer.

What we might call the “after-dinner conversation time” is generally accompanied by a choice of sweet digestive liqueurs served in small glasses, which they call a chupito in Spain, and some coffee.

Here’s some useful vocabulary to know in relation to la sobremesa:

Estar de sobremesa – to sit around the table after lunch/dinner

Regreso en una hora; ahorita estoy de sobremesa con mis amigos.
I’ll be back in an hour; right now I’m sitting around the table after lunch with my friends.

Quedarse de sobremesa – to stay at the table

Espero que tengan tiempo para quedarse de sobremesa.
I hope you all have the time to stay at the table after dinner.

La conversación de sobremesa – table talk

Me encantó la conversación de sobremesa que tuvimos ayer con mis suegros.
I loved the table talk we had with my parents-in-law after dinner yesterday.

Rooms in Spanish: Kitchen – La cocina

The kitchen is truly the heart of every home! Our childhood memories often consist of the nostalgic sights and smells coming from our parents’ kitchens. Fill your family’s kitchen with Spanish by downloading labels for all of the following items!

Muebles de la Cocina (Kitchen Furniture)

counters, countertopsla barra
pantryla despensa
shelfel estante / el anaquel
wine rackel estanteria de vinos
kitchen islandla isla de cocina
sinkel lavaplatos / el fregadero
faucetla llave / el grifo
stoolel taburete

Electrodomésticos (Appliances)

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rice makerla arrocera
mixer, whiskla batidora
stand mixerla batidora de pedestal
coffee makerla cafetera
freezerel congelador
stovela estufa
juice extractorel extractor
ovenel horno
microwaveel horno microondas
dishwasherel lavaplatos automático
blenderla licuadora
refrigeratorel refrigerador / la nevera
slow cookerla olla de cocción lenta
pressure cookerla olla de presión
grillla parrilla
food processorel procesador de alimentos
toasterla tostadora
waffle makerla waflera

Artículos de la Cocina (Kitchen Items)

bottle openerel abrebotellas / el destapador
can openerel abrelatas
masherel machucador
scalela balanza
colander, strainerel colador
containerel contenedor
dish rackel escurridor
apronla gabacha / el delantal
oven gloveslos guantes de cocina
knife setel juego de cuchillos
aluminum foilel papel aluminio
peelerel pelador
tongslas pinzas
graterel rallador
cooling rackla rejilla de enfriamiento
rolling pinel rodillo
corkscrewel sacacorchos
measuring cupla taza medidora
disheslos trastes

Utensilios para Cocinar (Cooking Utensils)

trayla bandeja / la charola
casserole dishla cacerola
spoonla cuchara
ladleel cucharón
knifeel cuchillo
spatulala espátula
bread moldel molde para pan
potla olla
panel sartén
forkel tenedor

Rooms in Spanish: Verbs for the Kitchen

  • adobar – to marinate
  • agitar – to shake
  • agregar – to add
  • asar a la parrilla – to grill
  • calentar – to heat up
  • cocer – to cook, bake, boil
  • cocinar – to cook
  • dejar enfriar – to let cool
  • dejar reposar – to let rest
  • derretir – to melt
  • descongelar – to thaw
  • guardar comida – to store food
  • hervir – to boil
  • partir / cortar – to cut
  • preparar – to prepare
  • rellenar – to fill

House Vocabulary Words: Bathroom – El cuarto de baño

The bathroom is an essential part of daily rituals. Check out the following table of house vocabulary in Spanish with common bathroom items.

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bath matel tapete para baño
combel peine
conditionerel acondicionador
hair brushel cepillo de pelo
hair dryerla secadora de pelo
mouthwashel enjuague bucal
shampooel champú
showerla ducha, la regadera
soapel jabón
toilet paperel papel de baño
toothbrushel cepillo de dientes
toothpastela pasta de dientes, la pasta dental
towella toalla

Example Sentences in Spanish

Voy a la tienda a comprar más papel de baño
I’m going to the store to buy more toilet paper.

¿Tienes pasta de dientes en tu casa? Olvidé la mía.
Do you have any toothpaste in your home? I forgot mine.

Puedes usar mi toalla, acaba de salir de la secadora.
You can use my towel, it’s fresh out of the dryer.

Debería comprar un tapete para baño, el piso siempre se moja.
I should get a bathroom mat, the floor always gets wet.

Mi secadora de pelo ya no sirve.
My hair dryer doesn’t work anymore.

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Bathroom Activities

to use conditionerponerse acondicionador
to use shampooponerse champú
to dry your bodysecarse el cuerpo
to dry your hairsecarse el pelo
to flush the toiletjalarle al baño
to clean oneselflimpiarse
to washbañarse
to wash your bodylavarse el cuerpo
to wash your hairlavarse el pelo
to brush your teethcepillarse los dientes
to wash with soaplavarse con jabón

Example Sentences in Spanish

No me puse acondicionador, sólo champú.
I didn’t put conditioner on, only shampoo.

¿Te lavaste con jabón?
Did you wash with soap?

Flush the toilet twice please.
Jálale al baño dos veces por favor.

I’ll be on my way as soon as I dry my hair.
Voy para allá tan pronto me seque el pelo.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (13)

See also: How to Create a Memory Palace for Spanish Learning

House Vocabulary Words: Hallway – El pasillo

You need to go through the hallway to get from room to room in the house. This section of house vocabulary in Spanish is inspired by Latin American houses.

frameel portaretrato
paintingslos cuadros
plantslas plantas
portraitel retrato
flowerpotslas macetas
tablela mesa
telephone, landlineteléfono, teléfono fijo

Example Sentences in Spanish

¿Puedo usar tu teléfono?
Can I use your landline?

¿Qué tan seguido le pones agua a tus plantas?
How often do you water your plants?

Tienes bonitos cuadros y buen gusto.
You have pretty paintings and good taste.

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Hallway Activities

to dustsacudir
to moptrapear
to pass bypasar
to speak on the phonehablar por teléfono
to sweepbarrer
to walkcaminar

Example Sentences in Spanish

¿Estabas barriendo? ¿Necesitas ayuda?
Were you sweeping? Do you want any help?

El baño está caminando por el pasillo a la derecha.
The bathroom is down the hallway to the right.

Estoy hablando por teléfono, dame cinco minutos por favor.
I am speaking over the phone, give me five minutes please.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (15)

Hand-picked for you:

  • Moving Day Vocabulary in Spanish: Pack Up Your House!
  • Everything You Need To Know About Real Estate Vocabulary in Spanish

House Vocabulary Words: Basem*nt – El sótano

There are two kinds of homeowners: those who use the basem*nt as a living place, like an extra bedroom, and those who use it as a storage unit. This house vocabulary in Spanish includes all sorts of things you might find in the basem*nt.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (16)
bicycleslas bicicletas
boom boxel equipo de sonido
car partslas partes del carro
emergency kitel kit de emergencia
exercise equipmentel equipo para hacer ejercicio
garden toolslas herramientas de jardinería
musical instrumentslos instrumentos musicales
old thingslas cosas viejas
outdoor furniturelos muebles exteriores
toolslas herramientas
vintage furniturelos muebles antiguos
water heaterel calentador de agua

Example Sentences in Spanish

Estoy vendiendo los muebles antiguos que tengo en mi sótano.
I am selling the vintage furniture I have in my basem*nt.

¿Me puedes prestar algunas herramientas?
Can you lend me some tools?

¿Todavía tienes tus cosas viejas de la escuela?
Do you still have your old things from school?

Deberíamos usar tu equipo de sonido en la fiesta.
We should use your boom box at the party.

Puedes usar mis herramientas de jardinería.
You can use my garden tools if you want.

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Basem*nt Activities

to keepmantener
to lockcerrar
to saveguardar
to use laterpara usar depués

Example Sentences in Spanish

Me gustaría mantener mis cosas en el sótano.
I’d like to keep my stuff in the basem*nt.

No queríamos deshacernos del piano, así que lo guardamos para usar después.
We didn’t want to give the piano away, so we stored it to use later.

¿Cerraste el sótano antes de irte?
Did you lock the basem*nt before leaving?

House Vocabulary Words: Attic – El ático / el desván

The attic is probably one of the most mysterious areas of a house. Check out this house vocabulary in Spanish about the attic!

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (18)
boxeslas cajas
Christmas treeel árbol de Navidad
clothesla ropa
holiday decorationslas decoraciones navideñas
letterslas cartas
memorabilialos recuerdos
plastic binslos contenedores de plástico
quiltslos edredones, las colchas
trophieslos trofeos
yearbookslos anuarios

Example Sentences in Spanish

Compré unas cajas para los anuarios.
I bought some boxes for the yearbooks.

El ático está lleno de recuerdos en contenedores de plástico.
The attic is filled with memorabilia in plastic bins.

¿Has visto mis trofeos?
Have you seen my trophies?

Pensaba que el árbol de Navidad estaba en el ático pero no lo encontré.
I thought the Christmas tree was in the attic but I couldn’t find it.

¿Puedes bajar las decoraciones navideñas?
Can you bring the holiday decorations downstairs?

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Attic Activities

to look for thingsbuscar cosas
to spend timepasar el tiempo
to dustsacudir
to fix thingsarreglar cosas
to fumigatefumigar
to storeguardar

Example Sentences in Spanish

Estaba buscando mis cosas en el ático, espero que no te importe.
I was looking for my things in the attic, I hope you don’t mind.

Deberías sacudir y fumigar arriba.
You should dust and fumigate up there.

Ellos guardaron unas computadoras que necesitan que las arreglen.
They stored some computers that needed fixing.

House Vocabulary Words: Pantry – La despensa

Pantry contents vary from country to country, but many foods, spices, and kitchen elements remain the same.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (20)
oliveslas olivas, las aceitunas
breadel pan
canned beanslos frijoles enlatados
canned soupslas sopas enlatadas
canned tunael atún enlatado
cerealel cereal
chicken brothel caldo de pollo
dried fruitla fruta seca
noodleslos fideos
mixed nutslas nueces mixtas
peanut butterla crema de maní, la mantequilla de cacahuate
pickleslos pepinillos
riceel arroz

See also: 200+ Vocabulary Words: Herbs and Spices in Spanish

Kitchen Activities

to bakehornear
to boilhervir
to cookcocinar
to fryfreír
to grillhacer a la parrilla
to steamhacer al vapor
to stewguisar

Example Sentences in Spanish

Me gusta hornear la comida, es mejor que freírla.
I like to bake food; it’s better than frying it.

¿Puedes cocinarme algo?
Can you cook me something?

Voy a querer el pescado al vapor
I’m going to have the steamed fish.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (21)

Check out: Vocabulary Guide to Seafood in Spanish

House Vocabulary Words: Home office – El despacho

If you have a home office, this is probably where you spend a lot of your time. That’s why this house vocabulary in Spanish is essential in your learning process.

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cell phoneel celular
chairla silla
chargerel cargador
computerla computadora
deskel escritorio
headphoneslos audífonos
markerslos marcadores
notebookel cuaderno
scissorslas tijeras
pencilslos lápices
penslas plumas
printerla impresora
tapela cinta adhesiva

Example Sentences in Spanish

¿Puedo usar tus audífonos para mi junta?
Can I use your headphones for my meeting?

Voy a necesitar más plumas, por favor.
I am gonna need more pens, please.

¿Sirve la impresora?
Is the printer working?

Mi celular se está cargando.
My cell phone is charging.

Home Office Activities

to give a conferencedar una conferencia
to give a lecturedar una clase
to listenescuchar
to proofreadcorregir
to readleer
to speakhablar
to streamtransmitir
to studyestudiar
to supervisesupervisar
to video chathablar por video

Example Sentences in Spanish

Daré una conferencia hoy a medio día.
I will be giving a conference today at noon.

Necesitamos transmitir esta lección la semana que viene.
We need to stream this lesson next week.

Por favor estudien lo que vimos hoy.
Please study what we covered today.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (23)

Suggested reading: How to Set Up a Home Office You Love

House Vocabulary Words: Laundry room – El cuarto de lavar / el lavadero

With this house vocabulary in Spanish, you will be able to practice Spanish while folding clothes.

binslos contenedores
bleachel cloro
cleaning supplieslos suministros de limpieza
clothespinslas pinzas para la ropa
detergentel detergente
dryerla secadora
drying rack, clotheslineel tendedero
ironla plancha
ironing boardel burro de plancha
sewing supplieslos materiales de costura
stain removerel removedor de manchas
washing machinela lavadora

Example Sentences in Spanish

Mi lavadora es grande y nueva.
My washing machine is big and new.

Necesito un nuevo burro de planchar, el que tengo tiene quemaduras.
I need a new ironing board, the one I have has burns in it.

Este removedor de manchas es grandioso, ¿de qué marca es?
This stain remover is great, what brand is it?

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (24)

Laundry Room Activities

to drysecar
to ironplanchar
to remove stainsremover manchas
to rinseenjuagar
to sewcoser
to steamechar vapor
to throwarrojar
to throw awaytirar
to washlavar

Example Sentences in Spanish

Puedes lavar tu ropa después de Alex.
You can wash your clothes after Alex.

No tires la basura aún.
Don’t throw out the trash just yet.

No sé cómo coser.
I don’t know how to sew.

Por favor enjuaga tus pantalones.
Please rinse your pants.

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (25)

Keep Improving Your Vocabulary in Spanish!

Practice your house vocabulary in Spanish starting today. Learning Spanish is a great choice for enhancing your resume, traveling easier, and connecting with more people. Did you know there are more than 580 million Spanish speakers in the world and 41 million in the U.S. alone?

Let Homeschool Spanish Academy help you. Join our more than 24,000 monthly students and tailor your Spanish package according to your interests and needs. Enjoy our flexible, individualized, online sessions with native-speaking teachers from Guatemala. Check our affordable pricing and flexible programs. Sign up for a free trial class today and keep improving your house vocabulary in Spanish!

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The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (28)

“This is the best way for your kid to learn Spanish. It’s one-on-one, taught by native Spanish speakers, and uses a curriculum.”

– Sharon K, Parent of 3

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (29)

“My Son, Heath, is taking the classes. He’s been with Luisa the entire time and we absolutely love her. She is always patient and is a great teacher. Heath’s dad speaks Spanish so they get to have little conversations.”

– William R, Parent of 3

The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (30)

“It’s a great way to learn Spanish, from native Spanish speakers in a 1-on-1 environment. It’s been fairly easy to schedule classes around my daughter’s other classes. The best value for us has been ordering multiple classes at a time. All the instructors have been great!”

– Cindy D, Parent of 3

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

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  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Author
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Nicole Canún

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Blogger, content creator, and marketer. Proudly Mexican. Been to 30 countries. I love learning from different cultures and trying their cuisines. Obsessed with Asia. Fluent in Spanish and English, not so much in French.

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house vocabulary rooms in spanish


The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish (2024)
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